87% of companies: untrained staff is the greatest cyber risk.

El 87% de las empresas considera que el personal no capacitado es el mayor riesgo cibernético, según Willis Towers Watson y ESI ThoughtLab.

87% of companies consider that untrained staff is the greatest cyber risk, according to Willis Towers Watson and ESI ThoughtLab.

The Willis Towers Watson report is based on a global survey of 1,300 organizations, meetings with an advisory panel, in-depth interviews with leading experts, and benchmarking analysis. The research was conducted in conjunction with a coalition of sponsors that included Protiviti, Baker McKenzie, CyberCube, HP Inc., KnowBe4, Opus and Security Industry.

The report shows, among others, the fact that 73 percent of companies plan to use behavioural analysis as a cybersecurity tool in the next two years.

Note Kymatio: In order to maximize the use of behavioral analysis tools, it is necessary to combine it with an internal risk assessment tool that takes into account the human factor. Otherwise, we will continue to face a large exposure to internal incidents. Contact Kymatio now.

Mor information at  Willis Towers Watson.
