Publication date: 19/06/2024
We are pleased to announce that the National Cryptologic Center (CCN) has published a new secure setup guide for our risk management platform, Kymatio®. The guide, identified as CCN-STIC 1703, is now available on the CCN-CERT portal.
Details of the CCN-STIC 1703 Guide
The CCN-STIC 1703 guide provides a detailed overview of how to optimally configure the Kymatio® platform for cyber risk management, credential exposure monitoring, and cybersecurity awareness. This solution is offered in SaaS format and has been included in the “Cybersecurity Training and Awareness” family of the CPSTIC catalog, within the list of “Compliance and Governance” products and services.
Guide Highlights:
- Optimal Configuration: Detailed instructions for setting up Kymatio® safely and efficiently.
- Recommendations: Practical tips to follow before, during and after the installation of the product.
- Operation and Maintenance Phase: Recommended tasks to ensure continuous and safe operation of the platform.
- References and Abbreviations: Additional information and terminology used to facilitate the understanding of the document.
Access to the Guide
To access the complete guide and learn more about the safe employment procedure of our Kymatio® platform, you can visit the CCN-CERT portal. Here you will find all the details you need to get the most out of our risk management solution.
🔗CCN-STIC-1703 KYMATIO Safe Employment Procedure
We are proud to be part of the CPSTIC catalog and contribute to improving cybersecurity with our innovative solutions. We thank the CCN for their continued recognition and support.