The impact of Covid-19, the pandemic alters the way of evaluating risk in companies

La crisis del coronavirus cambia la concepción de la ciberseguridad

CISOs believe that the impact of the pandemic will alter the way their business assesses risk for at least the next five years. 

Source ComputerWorld/CSO

A CSO survey highlights that US CISOs have experienced 26% more cyberattacks since the coronavirus crisis began.

A situation that would be incomprehensible only six months ago and that raises several questions:

How long will it last?

What is the level of preparation of the companies?

How is it affecting your security?

In general, company directors expect teleworking situations and social restrictions to last seven weeks. A quarter ago, 16.5% of the respondents did telework , while 77.7% do it now.

This increase in demand has represented a challenge for the technological areas to enable infrastructure, connectivity, access, devices, etc. in record time.

Up to 67% have indicated that their security infrastructure is prepared for the risks associated with the new operating environment and 22% of organizations indicate that they have acquired new security solutions to face the new work dynamics. And, surprisingly, only 7% of small firms have come to the market to condition their tools in these times.

La crisis del coronavirus cambia la concepción de la ciberseguridad
This crisis provides an ideal opportunity to increase the volume of cyber attacks: phishing with miraculous remedies to eradicate the virus, infected tracking applications that hide malware to steal information, open doors on remote desktops (RDP), etc.
Again , banking is the most affected, with 37% more threats . The Spanish Data Protection Agency ( AEPD ) has prepared a set of recommendations and good practices in this regard. According to the organization, “The resilience of the State, the continuity of business processes and the rights and freedoms of the stakeholders whose information is being processed depend on reflecting and adapting the implementation of teleworking.”
Thus, teleworking is not just an ICT project of technology implementation. Teleworking is a new way of facing the day to day. Exhaustion, stress, disorganization can be incurred. In a situation like this in which people, an essential point in the security environment, are subject to stressors such as uncertainty, confinement, the lack of an ideal work environment, etc. 

It is more necessary than ever to focus on the human factor, Contact Kymatio now to start preventing.